"These are the days” or so the saying goes…but I think there is something in those words that I find myself wanting to capture. I am not here for perfection, because let’s face it life can be anything but that. It’s in those real and raw moments that your true emotion shows… and that is exactly what I am aiming to encapsulate during our time together. Our lives can be so busy and rushed but I want to slow down for a moment and help you take a breath… breathe in your children, partner, or spouse. To really feel and appreciate these exact moments in time. When you look back at your gallery I want to evoke the same emotions you were feeling during our time together. I am here for the families and couples who embrace the chaos of life, the lovers and wild spirits, and the rawest moments of imperfection.

let's make your Photo dreams a reality

your authentic selves

I focus on capturing

Number of years I've spent doing what I love and documenting your stories!


Number of times I've re-read the entire Throne of Glass series. Non-SJM fans won't understand ;)


Number of dogs I'd have if our house allowed it. Would love to get some chickens some day!


Average number of hours spend staring at my computer each week.


Number of children I have. Forrest and Miles are my heart and soul.

Random facts

"She really takes the time to get to know her clients and make sure they are comfortable and confident leading up to and during their session."
- Megan F.

coffee with cream

Caffeinated drink

Anything SJM

book series

Ketchup chips

midnight snack

reading + Gardening 


my mom friends 

most inspirational person(s)


Television Series

favorites at the moment

Photography has always been a passion of mine, something I worked on in high school, college, and after. It wasn't until I had my first son, Forrest, that I decided to take the leap and really pursue my love for taking photos!

I was born and raised here in Erie, Pennsylvania and where I am choosing to raise my family! I am married to my best friend, Bryan.
We have two little gentlemen, Forrest and Miles. It is important to us as parents to raise our kids with a love for the outdoors and why we enjoy living in this region!  My husband and I built a backyard greenhouse in the summer of 2020!

You can usually find me with a cup of coffee in hand and a music station playing in the background, probably looking out my window at my bird feeders. Brunch is my all time favorite meal and I fully believe that Sundays should be spent eating it with friends or family.

these kiddos are my "why"

my crew


think we're a good fit?